
Withdraw Process

To move $EMRD from your game character to your blockchain wallet, you start a withdraw in-game.

  1. Log in to your game character, join a game world (leave the lobby) and use the /withdraw <amount> command. There is a short waiting period while your funds are validated to ensure a secure transaction. You can use the in-game withdraw menu to view progress.

  2. Once your withdraw is verified, your "Withdraw Available" amount will increase on the Dashboard website. Visit the Dashboard, login with your wallet and click on "Characters" . Choose your game character to see this amount. Each character creates separate withdraw requests.

  3. With the correct character selected, click the Withdraw button. This will prompt your blockchain wallet to process the transaction (example: Metamask with open).

If you decline the wallet withdraw request, your Withdraw Available balance will reset to 0 $EMRD even though you didn't receive any. DO NOT WORRY! Your $EMRD is perfectly safe. Click "History" to find your latest withdraw transaction and click the "Resubmit" button. This will prompt your blockchain wallet again to process the transaction.

Deposit Process

  1. Visit the Dashboard website and log in with your wallet. Make sure you're switched to the wallet containing your GamePass and you're on the Ethereum Mainnet Network.

  2. Click "Characters" and choose your game character. Your $EMRD will transfer from your wallet directly to a single character game balance.

  3. The "Wallet Balance" is the $EMRD you currently have in your selected blockchain wallet. Click the "Deposit" button, select the $EMRD amount, and click "Confirm Deposit".

  4. You wallet will open with a transaction to deposit your selected $EMRD. Once you confirm this transaction, your game character will receive the $EMRD instantly. You will see a success notification on the website and receive a message in-game as soon as this happens.

Deposits and Withdraws (moving $EMRD from wallet to game balance) is the only time GAS FEES are paid. The fee amounts are set by the Ethereum network. CryptoCraft does NOT get these fees and we have no control over the prices or network transaction times.

Last updated